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2018 Germany, France, Israel, Lebanon, North Korea, USA, Oil


Germany and France

The economic upswing that we experienced in 2017 will not be able to hold in 2018. Not only will we experience stagnation, but the economy will suffer in several aspects. The main problem will not be terrorism, so Europe can rest a little. Disagreements and economic stagnation within the European countries will be the main topics of the year. Existing trenches will deepen.

Specifically, between France and Germany, trenches will become bigger and different visions will come to the forefront. French President Emmanuel Macron will be put under unanticipated pressure which he will find difficult to deal with.

France is drawn into a new violent conflict abroad.

Even Germany will not really succeed in producing calmness and stability.

At the end of the year, there will once again be a major crisis in Germany.

A bigger crisis is derived from a pressure that has to do with the supply of oil. The US will intensify the pressure on Europe and put enormous pressure on the government in Brussels. Economically, the US will demand a strong Europe. This will cause unhappiness within the EC.

Brexit negotiations will continue, the British will break away from Europe, negotiations will be delayed again, but in the end, London will leave the EU. England will surprisingly put the EU under pressure with new financial leverage to go its own way. Although it looks negative in the beginning for London, Brexit will turn out to be positive outcome in the long term.

Donald Trump will mainly feel pressure internally. At the end of the year, he will suffer setbacks. There will be a major clash between him and his Vice President.


Despite perpetual provocations, there will be no open war between the US and North Korea.

The war in Syria will calm down a bit, but will not be completely resolved.

Mayor violent conflict is coming up for Lebanon. In 2018 or 2019 a new armed conflict is on the horizon.

Israel will see much more violence than it has experienced for years. It will be remembered as the bloodiest years for a long time.

Issues such as oil and gas will play a very important role in 2018 and pressure on governments will increase.

The relationship between the US people and its government under Trump today is being replicated at an increasing rate in Europe.

Radicalisation of the population will increase.


February 6, 2018


The economic upswing that we experienced in 2017 will not be able to hold in 2018. Not only will we experience stagnation, but the economy will suffer in several aspects.


Nightmare on Wall Street: US markets suffer worst single-day decline in history

October 18, 2018


"Brexit negotiations will continue, the British will break away from Europe, negotiations will be delayed again."


November 15, 2018

Analysis and personal comments to my visions for BREXIT

There was a lot of confusion about Brexit and whether it might happen after all or not. The outcry for a new referendum in England, trying to stop the Brexit process and all the verbal fights and pressures among politicians in the UK and Europe made the press, many politicians and commune people uncertain about the reality of Brexit and whether it will happen or not.

Meanwhile Brexit was on the border of being dropped, the readers of my psychic forecasts once more knew exactly how this situation will turn out.

A few times already I published my visions for Brexit. I predicted that indeed it will happen and most importantly what kind of consequences this national solo effort will cause to England.

Much fear about the Brexit was being created by all involved parties, in the UK and in Europe. Many Brits are afraid of what might come now and how at the end of the day, this will turn out for England.

For those who are afraid of what will happen to Britain, I have a reassuring reply. What I always published together with the outcome for the Brexit process is that at the end of the day, it will be beneficial for England. Of course, there will be difficulties to overcome, the split from Europe will create uncertainty and for some years it will be challenging. At the end however, it will turn out just to be the right step!

Brexit allows England to leave a sinking ship. Europe is on the border of a huge meltdown and I feel intuitively that the British government is aware about this and by purpose leaves the European Community, before it is too late. If you are out, you are not obligated anymore to save the other members!

From my long-term intuitive perspective, England has just taken the right action by leaving the EU. Just hold out for some time, wait and you will see that England took the right path!

December 2, 2018


France is drawn into a new violent conflict abroad.



France is going trough the worst riots in the center of the capital and other mayor cities in half a century.

Not correct:

The violent conflict is not abroad, but within its national borders.

December 10, 2018


Brexit negotiations will continue, the British will break away from Europe, negotiations will be delayed again, ....


May confirms last-minute delay of historic Brexit vote

March 14, 2019


Brexit negotiations will continue, the British will break away from Europe, negotiations will be delayed again, but in the end, London will leave the EU.


British MPs vote by a majority of 211 to seek delay to EU departure

April 11, 2019


The main problem will not be terrorism, so Europe can rest a little. Disagreements and economic stagnation within the European countries will be the main topics of the year. Existing trenches will deepen.


No mayor attack in Europe. Disagreements between countries such as Italy and the Union, disagreements with eastern countries made big headlines through the year.


French President Emmanuel Macron will be put under unanticipated pressure which he will find difficult to deal with.


The "Mouvement des Gilets jaunes" started end of October, creating big troubles for Macron and put him under enormous pressure.


The US will intensify the pressure on Europe and put enormous pressure on the government in Brussels. Economically, the US will demand a strong Europe. This will cause unhappiness within the EC.


Trump and his administration put pressure on Brussels to keep the sanctions against Russia and to end the deal with Iran. This and other demands built up tension between Brussels and Washington.


Israel will see much more violence than it has experienced for years. It will be remembered as the bloodiest years for a long time.


Trough all 2018 lots of violence has been seen at the Gaza border, inside Israel and in the occupied territories. On both sides many people died and have been injured. More than 29,000 Palestinians were injured during 2018 – the highest number of injuries in a single year since the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs began collecting data in 2005. Almost 300 where killed. 14 Israelis where killed that same year, many injured.

December 17, 2019


Mayor violent conflict is coming up for Lebanon. In 2018 or 2019 a new armed conflict is on the horizon.


Lebanon is living is worst economical crisis since the civil war in the 70s. Countrywide unrests have created fears of a new civil war.

Riots in the streets, people died, got killed, armed anti riot forces and military clashed violently with demonstrators. The streets of Beirut haven't seen such violence for a long time.


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