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Forecast for 2021 and beyond

January 26, 2021


The already last year announced Chinese “conquest” of Europe will proceed. This will happen in many aspects of our lives and its real influence will only be seen in the future.

“In the future, 2020/21 will be seen as the year where China gained mayor control (in cyberspace). Almost like the Spanish when they conquered South America and put their flags in the beaches of the Caribbean and the Andes of South America.” (From my forecast for 2020)

An important political and/or economical agreement between China and Germany will be reached.

China will involve itself in the North Stream 2 project. (Forecast for beyond 2021)

Cooperation between China and Israel will increase hugely. Israel will unofficially downgrade its focus and cooperation with the USA and strengthen its alliance with China (Forecast for beyond 2021).


No military intervention or war will occur between China and Taiwan.


Politically, Germany will pay one of the highest prices because of corona. Autumn will be very difficult for the country.

At the beginning, the coming elections will first have an outcome with a surprise. Still, at the end nothing will change in the power structure. An initial euphoria will die out very quickly.

In the last century, the country was "slaughtered and eviscerated" twice: after the First World War and the second time after the Second World War.

In the next two or three decades and due to all the developments in Europe, the country will suffer something similar again. (Forecast for beyond 2021).


In spite of BREXIT and the Corona crisis, the country will be able to keep itself economically stable.

It will be able to recover faster than expected (Forecast for beyond 2021).

Thanks to a strong regime, by autumn, the corona problem will be much better under control than last year.


Its independence will make important steps forward. After moving in that direction, internal political problems and legal issues will cause setbacks, before it will once more move forward. 2026 will be another important year in Scotland’s independent saga. Finally, it will be able to reach independence (Forecast for beyond 2021).


In last year’s forecast, I already predicted correctly that Benjamin „Bibi“ Netanjahu in the 2020 elections will be able to keep its position. I see the same situation occurring again. There won’t be any real power shift in the coming elections.

No legal attack taking down Bibi or will be able to harm him.


Building a government and keeping it together will be the same problem it has been in 2020.

On the other side, no open war with another country or within its borders will shake the country. Religious, but not political institutions, will help to avoid any mayor armed conflict.

No war at the border with Israel.

It will not be a good year for Hezbollah and its allies.

Saudi Arabia

The government will make headlines, because of losing its face in a very important international PR campaign.

2021 will not be a good year for Prince Mohammed bin Salam. His image and power is under great danger to get undermined.

War Iran / Israel / USA?

No open war or conflict between Iran, Israel and / or the USA.


Politically the country will have an important impact. For investors, it’s a good time to build up connections and to put its focus on the country (Forecast for beyond 2021).


We still need a long breath. 2021 will ease only a little bit. A mayor difference we will see and feel only earliest in 2022.

Autumn/winter we will still have the problem of new Corona waves.

A much more serious and long-term impact then the virus itself, will be on an economic and political level. Form my earlier visions it was always clear to me, that the economic and political consequences of the virus are much worse than the virus itself.


Not such a big shift like the one I predicted for the end of last year. Still, it’s a good year for Bitcoin. At about the middle of the year it should be around 45’000. By the end of this year, it will come under pressure. This will temporarily cause tension for the crypto-currency, but then it will be able to recover.


The pressure Ripple is suffering right now will ease.

The court case will lead to some kind of settlement and the currency will live on.

A merger or union with another company or new technology will occur.

I see the coming years as really exciting for Ripple! The crypto-currency will manage to position itself strongly.

Analysis I did on special request about electric vehicles, Lithium and Apple (time frame around 3 years):

- New breakthrough battery technology for electric cars

I see a new technology on the horizon. However, it will not have a mayor impact.

- Price of lithium?

There will be a sideway trend slightly upwards. Towards the end of this year or beginning of next year, I see a short-term correction and soon thereafter it will recover.

- Car batteries without lithium?

Nothing really important in the given time window.

- Future of Apple's electric iCar project?

Even beyond the given time window, it will have a positive and important impact.


February 27, 2021

"Saudi Arabia: The government will make headlines, because of losing its face in a very important international PR campaign.

2021 will not be a good year for Prince Mohammed bin Salam. His image and power is under great danger to get undermined."

An American report blames the Saudi crown prince for the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, the Washington Post journalist (Forbes).

This political bomb will severely hit Mohammed bin Salman and his entourage. This is only the beginning of a brutal PR strategy against the Saudi leader.

Beginning of August, 2021:



Not such a big shift like the one I predicted for the end of last year. Still, it’s a good year for Bitcoin. At about the middle of the year it should be around 45’000.


Starting beginning of August, Bitcion reached 43´000.- and since stays around that value.

November 24, 2021:

For Germany:

"At the beginning, the coming elections will first have an outcome with a surprise. Still, at the end nothing will change in the power structure. An initial euphoria will die out very quickly."

The outcome was a surprise! CDU/CSU got smashed with historical defeat. The leftwing SPD won the elections with a very small head start.

December 16, 2021:



"By the end of this year, it will come under pressure. This will temporarily cause tension for the crypto-currency, but then it will be able to recover."


Since December 2nd, Bitcoin came under heavy pressure.


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