Israel and its near future

Tonight I had a new dream.
It showed me what to expect in the country within the next 5 months. After my first dream about Trumps decision to move the Embassy from the lowlands to the mountains, this is the second dream, focusing on this developments.
End of March 2018, end of April and May 2018, dark clouds pass through the valleys and mountains of the country over which the dragon of the dark forces flew.
Second half of March will be painful. A heavy smash on the head will lead to violence. Soldiers will show their true face: angry beings. It hits a spot you would not expect: danger and pain is coming from above.
Second half of April, the streets become loud, blood runs through the streets. Vehicles are used and bring violence. Confusion will prevail. The judgment of the righteous is condemned by the power of the dark. There is neither good nor evil, only victims. Joy and happiness which spring usually brings is overshadowed by black clouds of turmoil and violence.
The month of May is getting so loud and uneasy, it's not a nice month.
Chaos and unrest around a government, it breaks apart.
There is no good and evil. The sheep’s are sacrificed on the slaughterhouse of local politics, regardless of their faith.
From afar, the dark and evil souls from my first dream are watching and observing. They don’t not care what happens to the sheep’s on the ground. They have no friend there, only their personal interest and power counts for them! They do not care which sheep’s of what faith are torn in pieces.
Visionary dream, giving insights about the Embassy move (This dream was around 24 hours before Trump announced his decision)
March 31, 2018
Israeli army kills 17 Palestinians in Gaza protests More than 1,400 others wounded by Israeli forces during march calling for return of Palestinian refugees to their lands.
From my dream: "... It hits a spot you would not expect: danger and pain is coming from above."
Israel deploys drones to drop tear gas on Gaza protesters Friday's violence marked one of the first uses of the new technology, Border Police spokesman says
Could the new technology (drones) be the danger and pain coming from above?
April 1, 2018 ... It hits a spot you would not expect: danger and pain is coming from above.
NEWS: Israel deploys drones to drop tear gas on Gaza protesters Friday's violence marked one of the first uses of the new technology, Border Police spokesman says
Could the new technology (drones) be the danger and pain coming from above?
Mai 14, 2018
From dream:
"The month of May is getting so loud and uneasy, it's not a nice month.
Haaretz: Jerusalem Embassy and Gaza Protests: 52 Palestinians Killed by Israeli Gunfire at Border
July 5, 2018
From my dream:
"... It hits a spot you would not expect: danger and pain is coming from above."
Massive Fire After Kite With Molotov Cocktail Attached Sent From Gaza Explodes
Month of May: 134 fire kites attacks against Israel
(In my dream it felt like happening in March. It manifested in May)